Graffiti Walls in Psiri with Katrina & Thalia – Lifestyle Photography Athens
4th August 2019
Down memory lane with Mark & Jan – Lifestyle Photography Athens
9th October 2019

Athens Photo Walk

Whilst on their visit to Athens, siblings Andres & Andrea wanted to capture some memorable vacation photos around the streets of Plaka and the foothills of the Parthanon. They were both shy at first and not really knowing what to expect, they both soon relaxed  and we all really enjoyed the time together. Despite it being an unusually stormy evening in Athens which forced us  to take cover to avoid the rain however we  were able to get some fun shots. We strolled around the  the graffiti streets and  the magical ancient monuments, too created a portfolio of photos from the old and new looks in Athens. 

Safe Travels

Sandra x


  1. valerie francis says:

    Has always beautiful and you certainly brought out the true moment an the excellent scenery well done

  2. […] do offer this area on my  Athens photo walks  and if you would like further information please do contact […]

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