Sunrise in Rafina Agios Nikolas Chapel
31st July 2019
Discover Plaka – Lifestyle Photography Athens
1st October 2019

Graffiti art Psiri Athens

One of the areas in the centre of Athens which has had a huge renovation recently is Psiri and it was a true pleasure to meet with an old Dubai friend and her lovely daughter there recently. We searched the great graffiti walls to gain some inspiration for Thalia who is now heading into her GCSE years at school. I also take lots of inspiration from this area with such talented artwork and fabulous colours I really enjoy shooting in this area. Psiri comes alive in the evening with great bars and restaurants and through out the year it is a charming place to visit.

Katrina is a real creative talent herself and I have helped her on previous occasions to photograph some of her wonderful baby clothes Petite Lamb

If you would like to book a photo walk around Athens please contact me direct.

Safe Travels Sandra


  1. valerie francis says:

    wow wonderful of all the times i have visited Athens i did not know about this place it is defenatly on my list the next time i visit Athens well done for ponting this beautiful place out for me …

  2. […] amazing colours and like the rest of Athens city it is such a treasure to discover .I have taken photo shoots of many family, friends and visitors to the city in this area but it still enchants  me every time […]

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