Family Photo Tour – Plaka Athens
16th July 2018
Greek Churches – IOS Greek Islands
22nd August 2018

The Greek Island of IOS

This year our island to discover was IOS, I have so much to write about this gem of an island but first I must share with you the top 3 best sunset locations.

Sunset from IOS club


Ios churches are truly magical and there is a spot on the pinnacle of the island where there are 3 tiny wondrous churches and the very perfect spot to contemplate life whilst the sun disappears from view. Quite a steep climb up through the dwellings of the old town so give yourself time to reach the top and maybe take a little tipple along with you to toast the end of another day!

churches of IOSTop of the island of IOS


The word says it ALL Pathos means passion in Greek and this spot oozes PASSION! Open daily from 4pm to swim, dance & play whilst the sun dips beyond the horizon. Entrance fee is 10 euros but that includes a house drink too. Enjoy the tunes of Pavarotti and splash around in the pool to celebrate the end of another marvelous day on this magical island – The Pathos lounge!

Pathos IOS island

Pathos IOS sunset pool

Sunset at Pathos IOS


IOS Club

This chill out bar The IOS Club was my favourite sun downer spot and we returned a few times to enjoy the ambiance and the classical chill out tunes played by their resident DJ and his choices truly stirred emotions when the sun dropped behind the horizon. They are celebrating 50 years this year and certainly is worth many visits ….good luck to IOS club for 50 more years !!!Sunset from IOS club

IOS Club lounge (2)

For me the Greek islands are without a doubt one of the best places in the world to sit and watch the sun set and to celebrate the end of another amazing day. Where have you found the best sunsets? I am always looking for new places to try!

Safe travels

Sandra x


  1. Victoria says:

    Gorgeous, those would be my 3 favourite spots for the sunset in Ios as well!!!!

  2. valerie francis says:

    Beautiful photos … and everywhere looks so inviting an so welcoming …..
    i would love to see the sunset there amazing ….

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