Spring Festival – Nea Makri Greece
2nd May 2018
Welcome Doorways – Nea Makri Attica
14th May 2018

Our first venture out of Nea Makri was to the local small town of Marathon Located around 15 min drive  away from Nea Makri  and is where the original   Athens Classic Marathon starts.  This week Nea Makri  & Marathon hosted its very own half marathon so we ventured out to discover the real reason behind this ancient run.

Marathon Run

  •  It was 490 BC, and the distance  ran was about 26 miles around 40 kilometers.
  • The runner Pheidippides ran to Athens with the news of the victory  over the Persians at Marathon.
  • Pheidippides died right after  he delivered his message – “Nenikikamen” (which means, “Rejoice we conquer”  WE HAVE WON!
  • The classic marathon race is now run in cities all over the world the ClassiAthens marathon is run every November and runs right through the village of Nea Makri following the blue line to the centre of Athens.

Last weekend we celebrated the Nea Makri half Marathon and we went along to cheer on some local friends and associates.

Nea Makri Half Marathon Runners

Marathon Run Museum

This quaint little town is located just 40 km from the centre of Athens and is home to the  Marathon Run Museum  and the birthplace of this ancient run. We were assisted by a lovely lady named Olympia  and spent a very interesting hour inside the museum and watched the 20min movie explaining all about Pheidippides the ancient run. It is well worth a visit even if you have never actually ran a marathon we all have someone close to us that has taken their own marathon journey.

Marathon Museum Greece

Flags at Marathon Museum Greece

Marathon Starting Line

Further through the village is the actual starting line where the runners begin the enduring run along Marathonas Avenue and 42.195 km to the centre of Athens.20180506_122634


Next to the starting bridge is a small fun cafe where runners can stock up on energy drinks and snacks before they head out on the road.


Being a coffee lover I am learning to share the Greek love of Frape (cold Coffee), I will let you know how it goes but so far I am not a convert.

Marathon Town

The picturesque small town  still boasts  typical Greek style architecture. In the centre there is a gathering square  edged with a few cafes and a beautiful church. We found some amazing locations for photo shoots and we plan return back again very soon.


The Church of Ag. Ioanna stands  majestically in the centre of the village and often plays host to many Orthodox Weddings and Baptism ceremonies.

Marathon village atticiMarathon Village Travel photoSome of the remains of the old village life which make great photo shoot locations.

There are many more reasons  to visit this ancient area, the municipality of Marathonas boasts a lake/dam, beach front and the most fertile land in Attica where heaps of the produce grown here supply Athens. There are few versions of why the  actual name Marathon was awarded and I feel this could be it, due to the abundance of  marathonas  (fennel type herb) which still  flourishes over the plane of Marathon. It is truly a place where nature meets history & architecture.

Keep following whilst we discover more of this amazing corner.

Safe travels,

Sandra x


  1. Jonno says:

    Great photos and Marathon seems to have so much history. Looks well worth a visit. If you were a runner it would be a great place to run the event wouldn’t it?

    • Sandra Sweet Streets says:

      We really enjoyed our visit and left lots more to discover next time. Yes for sure any runner would really appreciate a visit to this area full or history.

  2. Valerie says:

    Yes never realised so much wonderful history. Lovely photos an excellent reading.

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