3 cafes in Bastakia / Dubai Travel / Sweet-streets
11th November 2017
La Mer / Dubia Travel / Sweet-streets
22nd November 2017

Satwa is still one of my favourite locations for photo shoots. I am always out and about in Dubai looking for great fashion blogger locations and this area is perfect in so many ways. If you visit Dubai Satwa area is a great location for buying lots of fabrics and cheap items.DSC_8166

They say doorways can say a lot about you, try this mini test Your doorway your future?


One of my favorites ! Seriously how cute is this doorway? DSC_8191DSC_8037



Which is your favourite door?

I look forward to further photo shoots in this area, feel free to contact me to arrange a photo shoot.

Sandra X


  1. taphian says:

    I like the light purple one. Lovely gallery of beautiful and colorful doors, thanks for visiting my blog

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