Greek islands for Summer 19!
7th March 2019
Chara – Lifestyle Photography – Nea Makri
17th March 2019

Mother Natures Awakes!

When we first moved to Greece I was most excited to embrace all the seasons after 22 years in the desert with glorious winters but unbearable summers and so far spring is not letting me down. Just now coming into bloom, my favourite of all the seasons which must be because I am a spring April child myself.

On the 1st  March all the girls wear their Martis, a tiny woven red & white bracelet which symbolizes spring is around the corner and is a simply beautiful tradition.



This poem came to mind when we were out on the hill sides of Schinias watching spring burst into life !!

She turned to the sunlight

And shook her yellow head,

And whispered to her neighbor:

“Winter is dead.”

 (A.A. Milne)


I feel content when I am creating and taking photos of friends and family on mini vacation photo walks. What an absolutely stunning time of the year to get out into the hills near to our home and take a few fun shots and discover the area a little more.


I was joined by Becky my sister- in -law who is a wealth of information on so many areas in Greece and makes a great travel companion. I look forward to sharing more of our trips whist we are out and about in Greece discovering her beauty.

Springtime is just beginning so I hope to get out and take lots more photos and share more stories about the lifestyle and traditions in this ancient land too.

Safe travels

Sandra X

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